Yogyakarta Overview
Situated on the Indonesian island of Java, Yogyakarta is both the name of a province and the capital city within the province. Yogyakarta is commonly called the ‘cultural heart’ and ‘soul city’ of Java, thanks to its rich history, heritage and commitment to preserving Javanese tradition.
Visitors flock to the city in their thousands to see its plethora of cultural attractions, among which are royal buildings, religious structures and fascinating museums. The Borobudur Temple is a highlight, often mentioned alongside Cambodia’s Angkor Wat and Egypt’s Karnak Temple for its historical importance and architectural significance. The Sultan’s Palace, or kraton, is also high up on the city’s list of culturally significant sites.
Yogyakarta’s commitment to preserving traditional Javanese arts such as batik, gamelan music, puppet shows, drama and poetry has give the city its reputation as a centre for culture. There are plenty of opportunities to appreciate these art forms in Yogyakarta, with regular displays and a number of annual festivals dedicated to showcasing the performing arts.
Situated on the Indonesian island of Java, Yogyakarta is both the name of a province and the capital city within the province. Yogyakarta is commonly called the ‘cultural heart’ and ‘soul city’ of Java, thanks to its rich history, heritage and commitment to preserving Javanese tradition.
Visitors flock to the city in their thousands to see its plethora of cultural attractions, among which are royal buildings, religious structures and fascinating museums. The Borobudur Temple is a highlight, often mentioned alongside Cambodia’s Angkor Wat and Egypt’s Karnak Temple for its historical importance and architectural significance. The Sultan’s Palace, or kraton, is also high up on the city’s list of culturally significant sites.
Yogyakarta’s commitment to preserving traditional Javanese arts such as batik, gamelan music, puppet shows, drama and poetry has give the city its reputation as a centre for culture. There are plenty of opportunities to appreciate these art forms in Yogyakarta, with regular displays and a number of annual festivals dedicated to showcasing the performing arts.
Eating out in the city can be an enjoyable experience, with local eateries in Yogyakarta offering popular Indonesian dishes as well as local specialties. If trying the traditional food is an integral part of the holiday for you, then Yogyakarta won’t disappoint with its varied selection of street vendors, authentic eateries and upmarket restaurants to choose from.
Airport Transfer
Polonia International Airport is about 15 minutes drive from the city. Do not be surprised that the domestic terminal of the airport is much better than its international terminal. Do take note that there is no money changer for other currency but USD. From the airport, you can choose to take a taxi in front of the terminal or you can proceed towards the exit of Polonia airport, where there are more taxis. You can hire a taxi for only Rp 20 000, compared to its normal price of Rp 35 000, if you bargain well. You can also take the public bus, provided that you know the number for your destination and that would be Rp 6 000 per person. However, those not familiar with the Indonesian language are encouraged to take taxis instead.
Yogyakarta’s Public Bus Route
Line 1 / Jalur 1:
Giwangan Bus Station – South Ring Road - Ngangkruk - Ngeksigondo - M. Supeno Street -
Jokteng Wetan (East Pojok Beteng) - Jokteng Kulon (West Pojok Beteng) – Tendean Street –
Cokroaminoto Street - Magelang Street – Jombor Bus Station
Line 2 / Jalur 2:
Giwangan Bus Station – Pramuka Street - M. Supeno Street - Kol. Sugiyono Street -
Sisingamangaraja Street - South Ring Road - Parangtritis Street - Brigjend. Katamso Street -
Suryotomo Street - Abubakar Ali Street - Suroto Street - Cik Di Tiro Street – UGM Boulevard
Line 3 / Jalur 3:
Giwangan Bus Station - South Ring Road - Imogiri - Sisingamangaraja Street - Kol Sugiyono
Street - Tamansiswa Street - Gayam Street - Kenari Street - Ipda Tut Harsono Street - Adisucipto Street - Gejayan Street – North Ring Road - Kaliurang Street – UGM Boulevard
Line 4 / Jalur 4:
Giwangan Bus Station – South Ring Road - Ngangkruk - Gedongkuning Street - Kusumanegara
Street - Suryotomo Street - Suroto Street - UGM Boulevard- C. SImanjuntak Street - Jendral
Sudirman Street - Mangkubumi Street - Malioboro Street - Senopati Street - Kusumanegara Street- Gedongkuning Street – South Ring Road – Giwangan Bus Station
Giwangan Bus Station – South Ring Road - Ngangkruk - Gedongkuning Street - Kusumanegara
Street - Suryotomo Street - Suroto Street - UGM Boulevard- C. SImanjuntak Street - Jendral
Sudirman Street - Mangkubumi Street - Malioboro Street - Senopati Street - Kusumanegara Street- Gedongkuning Street – South Ring Road – Giwangan Bus Station
Line 5 / Jalur 5:
Giwangan Bus Station - Pramuka Street - Jokteng Wetan (Pojok Beteng Wetan) - Parangtritis
Street - Mangkuyudan Street - Panjaitan Street - M.T. Haryono Street - Wakhid Hasyim Street -Bayangkara Street - Tentara Pelajar Street - Magelang Street - Jombor Bus Station – North Ring Road – UGM Boulevard
Line 6 / Jalur 6:
Giwangan Bus Station - Gambiran Street - Veteran Street - Kusumanegara Street - Hayam Wuruk Street - Yos Sudarso Street - Wahidin Street - Prof. Yohanes Street – UGM Boulevard
Line 7 / Jalur 7:
Giwangan Bus Station - Tegalgendu Street - Pembayun Street - Kemasan Street - Ngeksigondo
Street - Gambiran Street - Veteran Street - Gedongkuning Street - Janti Street - Adisucipto Street - Gejayan Street – North Ring Road
Giwangan Bus Station - Tegalgendu Street - Pembayun Street - Kemasan Street - Ngeksigondo
Street - Gambiran Street - Veteran Street - Gedongkuning Street - Janti Street - Adisucipto Street - Gejayan Street – North Ring Road
Line 8 / Jalur 8:
Not Operating
Not Operating
Line 9 / Jalur 9:
Giwangan Bus Station –Pramuka Street - Ngeksigondo Street - Gedongkuning Street -
Kusumanegara Street - Tamansiswa Street - Jokteng Wetan (East Pojok Beteng) - Tamansiswa
Street - Suryopranoto Street - Ki Mangun sarkoro Street - Kusumanegara Street - Gedongkuning Street - Ngeksigondo Street - Pramuka Street – Giwangan Bus Station
Line 10 / Jalur 10:
Giwangan Bus Station – South Ring Road - Rejowinangun - Kebun Raya Street - SGM - Ipda Tut Harsono Street - Kenari Street - Bausasran Street - Mataram Street - Abubakar Ali Street - Atmo Sukarto Street - Kusbini Street - Langensari Street - Munggur Street - Adi Sucipto Street - Kledokan - Babarsari – East Ring Road - Babarsari - Kledokan - Adi Sucipto Street - Urip
Sumoharjo Street - Suroto Street - Mataram Street - Hayam Wuruk Street - Bausasran Street -
Kenari Street - Veteran Street - Gambiran Street – Giwangan Bus Station
Line 11 / Jalur 11:
GIwangan Bus Station – South Ring Road - Rejowinangun - Gedong Kuning Street- Kemasan
Street - Pembayun Street - Tegalgendu Street - Tegalturi Street - Menukan - Parangtritis Street – South Ring Road - Jokteng Kulon (West Pojok Beteng) - S. Parman Street - Patangpuluhan - R.E. Martadinata Street - Letjen Suprapto Street - North Jlagran - Pasar Kembang - Malioboro - KHA Dahlan Street - R.E. Martadinata Street - Patangpuluhan Street - Bugisan Street – South Ring Road - Parangtritis Street - Menukan - Tegalturi Street – Giwangan Bus Station
GIwangan Bus Station – South Ring Road - Rejowinangun - Gedong Kuning Street- Kemasan
Street - Pembayun Street - Tegalgendu Street - Tegalturi Street - Menukan - Parangtritis Street – South Ring Road - Jokteng Kulon (West Pojok Beteng) - S. Parman Street - Patangpuluhan - R.E. Martadinata Street - Letjen Suprapto Street - North Jlagran - Pasar Kembang - Malioboro - KHA Dahlan Street - R.E. Martadinata Street - Patangpuluhan Street - Bugisan Street – South Ring Road - Parangtritis Street - Menukan - Tegalturi Street – Giwangan Bus Station
Line 12 / Jalur 12:
Giwangan Bus Station - Pramuka Street - Pandeyan Street - Glagahsari Street - Kusumanegara
Street - Sultan Agung Street - KHA Dahlan Street - Cokroaminoto - Tentara Pelajar Street -
Borobudur Plaza - Monginsidi Street - UGM Boulevard- Monginsidi Street - Tentara Pelajar Street - Cokroaminoto Street - KHA Dahlan Street - Sultan Agung Street - Suryopranoto Street - Ki Mangunsarkoro Street - Kusumanegara Street - Glagahsari Street - Veteran Street - Pramuka Street – Giwangan Bus Station
Line 13 / Jalur 13:
Not Operating
Not Operating
Line 14 / Jalur 14:
Jombor Bus Station- Monumen Jogja Kembali - Jetis - dr. Sardjito hospital- Kaliurang Street –
North Ring Road - Condong Catur Bus Station - Gejayan - Urip Sumoharjo Street - Wahidin
Street - Langensari Street -Gondosuli Street - Cendana Street - Kusumanegara Street - Veteran
Street - Gambiran Street - Perintis Kemerdekaan Street - Pandeyan - Glagahsari Street -
Kusumanegara Street - Cendana Street - Gondosuli Street - Munggur Street - Gejayan Street -
Condong Catur Bus Station – North Ring Road - Kaliurang Street - Jetis - Monumen Jogja
Kembali – Jombor Bus Station
Jombor Bus Station- Monumen Jogja Kembali - Jetis - dr. Sardjito hospital- Kaliurang Street –
North Ring Road - Condong Catur Bus Station - Gejayan - Urip Sumoharjo Street - Wahidin
Street - Langensari Street -Gondosuli Street - Cendana Street - Kusumanegara Street - Veteran
Street - Gambiran Street - Perintis Kemerdekaan Street - Pandeyan - Glagahsari Street -
Kusumanegara Street - Cendana Street - Gondosuli Street - Munggur Street - Gejayan Street -
Condong Catur Bus Station – North Ring Road - Kaliurang Street - Jetis - Monumen Jogja
Kembali – Jombor Bus Station
Line 15 / Jalur 15:
Giwangan Bus Station – South Ring Road - Parangtritis Street - Mangkuyudan Street - Gading
Street - Jokteng Wetan (West Pojok Beteng) - Brigjend Katamso Street - Ibu Ruswo Street - KHA Dahlan Street - Wates Street - Gamping Market - Sidoarum - Godean Street - Pingit - Monginsidi Street - Jetis – UGM Boulevard
Giwangan Bus Station – South Ring Road - Parangtritis Street - Mangkuyudan Street - Gading
Street - Jokteng Wetan (West Pojok Beteng) - Brigjend Katamso Street - Ibu Ruswo Street - KHA Dahlan Street - Wates Street - Gamping Market - Sidoarum - Godean Street - Pingit - Monginsidi Street - Jetis – UGM Boulevard
Line 16 / Jalur 16:
Giwangan Bus Station - Tegalturi Street - Sisingamangaraja Street - Menukan - Parangtritis Street - Katamso Street - Suryotomo Street - Senopati Street - Senopati Street - Sultan Agung Street - Suryopranoto Street - Sukonandi Street - Kusumanegara Street - Cendana Street - Kenari Street - Ipda Tut Harsono Street - Adisucipto Street - Gejayan Street - Condong Catur Bus Station
Giwangan Bus Station - Tegalturi Street - Sisingamangaraja Street - Menukan - Parangtritis Street - Katamso Street - Suryotomo Street - Senopati Street - Senopati Street - Sultan Agung Street - Suryopranoto Street - Sukonandi Street - Kusumanegara Street - Cendana Street - Kenari Street - Ipda Tut Harsono Street - Adisucipto Street - Gejayan Street - Condong Catur Bus Station
Line 17 / Jalur 17:
Condong Catur Bus Station - Gejayan - Colombo -Prof. Yohanes Street - Jend. Sudirman Street – Tugu (Pillar) - Jetis - Borobudur Plaza - Pingit - Samsat (Administrative Police Dept) - Letjen
Suprapto Street - Wirobrajan - S. Parman Street - Jokteng Kulon (West Pojok Beteng) - Jokteng
Wetan (East Pojok Beteng) - Tamansiswa Street - Suryopranoto Street - Mangunsarkoro Street - Kusumanegara Street - Veteran Street - P. Kemerdekaan Street - Veteran Street - Kusumanegara Street - Tamansiswa Street - Jokteng Wetan (West Pojok Beteng) - Jokteng Kulon (East Pojok Beteng) - S. Parman Street - Wirobrajan - Bayangkara Street - Pingit - Borobudur Plaza - Jetis- Tugu (Pillar) - C. Simanjuntak Street - Terban - Colombo – Gejayan – Condong Catur Bus Station
Line 18 / Jalur 18:
Not Operating
Line 19 / Jalur 19:
Jombor Bus Station – West Ring Road - Godean Street - Kyai Mojo Street - Tugu (Pillar) -
Mangkubumi Street - Malioboro - KHA Dahlan Street - Wirobrajan - Cokroaminoto Street -
Godean Street – West Ring Road – Jombor Bus Station

Yogyakarta Activities
A selection of activities suitable for young visitors can be found in Yogyakarta. The beaches are among the best places to entertain kids of varied ages, while the Kids Fun Park with its varied selection of rides and games is also popular. Aside from amusement parks and beaches, children can spend time learning how to fly a kite, a popular pastime in Indonesia.
Yogyakarta Sightseeing
With an excellent selection of places of historic and religious significance at their disposal, sightseeing enthusiasts will enjoy Yogyakarta. Borobudur Temple is without doubt the highlight of any sightseeing tour here and invariably takes a top spot on visitors’ must-see lists. Other places of interest include historic temples and mosques, and a number of unique natural features.
Yogyakarta Business Time
Business Offices: 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to FridayBanks: 08:00 to 15:00, Monday to Friday; 08:00 to 13:00, SaturdaysPost Offices: 08:00 to 14:00, Monday to Thursday; 08:00 to 11:00, Fridays; 08:00 to 12:30, Saturdays Shops: 09:00 to 21:00, Monday to Sunday
A selection of activities suitable for young visitors can be found in Yogyakarta. The beaches are among the best places to entertain kids of varied ages, while the Kids Fun Park with its varied selection of rides and games is also popular. Aside from amusement parks and beaches, children can spend time learning how to fly a kite, a popular pastime in Indonesia.
Yogyakarta Sightseeing
With an excellent selection of places of historic and religious significance at their disposal, sightseeing enthusiasts will enjoy Yogyakarta. Borobudur Temple is without doubt the highlight of any sightseeing tour here and invariably takes a top spot on visitors’ must-see lists. Other places of interest include historic temples and mosques, and a number of unique natural features.
Yogyakarta Business Time
Business Offices: 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to FridayBanks: 08:00 to 15:00, Monday to Friday; 08:00 to 13:00, SaturdaysPost Offices: 08:00 to 14:00, Monday to Thursday; 08:00 to 11:00, Fridays; 08:00 to 12:30, Saturdays Shops: 09:00 to 21:00, Monday to Sunday
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